Written by CASINOMONEY | April 10, 2020 at 9:58 PM

COVID-19 Virus Update:

The COVID-19 / Coronavirus outbreak and the corresponding business restrictions & citizen guidelines have impacted many of our customers. For those that have had to limit your business and/or temporarily close, we know this is a very difficult situation. For our current and future customers that are still open for business, MOBILEMONEY and our sister company CASINOMONEY are still here working, as we are considered an essential business by Federal, State and local government. We continue to service our equipment and customers in over 45+ states where our essential customer locations are still open.

Internally we are taking this virus very seriously and are putting in numerous steps to keep our employees and our equipment safe and clean:

  • We already put both our customer and employee safety first and will
    continue this commitment during this pandemic and after we see a
  • All employees are now either working from home where possible and if
    they are working in an office they are being given masks, gloves and
    proper sanitizers.
  • We are also cleaning all door knobs, car handles, steering wheels,
    bag handles and all of our equipment (even if we are using it for
    product development) multiple times per day.
  • We want everyone who uses a MOBILEMONEY or CASINOMONEY powered ATM
    or point of sale terminal to feel safe and secure with both their
    health and their financial security.

If you have any inquiries or concerns please reach us at our customer service toll free phone line and if you have any specific inquiries about our CASINOMONEY service feel free to also e-mail us at

We look forward to when the Federal, State and local guidelines are able to open back up for larger gatherings and events so we can move past the restrictions in a safe manner.

For more information about our industry standards for cleaning and maintaining ATM equipment and other cash related equipment see below link:

COVID Guidelines


MOBILEMONEY Service: 1-800-414-6866

CASINOMONEY Service: 1-800-914-0109